
神戸大学 理学研究科 惑星学専攻・惑星学科 Home Page


Computational Planetology 

  • Members:
    Prof. Junichiro Makino (URL),Associate Professor Takayuki Saitoh(URL),1 Dr course student, 4 Ms course students, 4 Undergraduates

  • Location: The Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, room 307(Makino), The Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, room 602(Saitoh)

Research Interests:

 We are interested in the study of formation and evolution of astronomical objects, ranging from the large scal structure of universe, galaxies, star clusters, planetary systems and planets, development of numerical algorithms, software, and computer hardware for such study.

Current Projects: 

  • Study of formation and evolution of astronomical objects
  • Study of numerical schemes and development of calculation codes
  • Development of computer hardware

                                             UPDATE 14/Apr./2023


Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University

1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 657-8501

TEL: (+81)-78-803-6483
FAX :(+81)-78-803-5791