
神戸大学 理学研究科 惑星学専攻・惑星学科 Home Page



yamamoto  Professor
 Graduate School of Science
 Faculty of Science

  • e-mail: yuzuru-y(at)harbor.kobe-u.ac.jp
  • Office: Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, Room624
  • Mailing address: Department of Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
  • Geology Laboratory WEB

Research Interests: 

One of the most important aspects of plate subduction zones is that they represent the sites of the world's
     largest earthquakes; moreover, they are fundamental components of mountain belts.In addition,submarine
     landslides in such regions heighten the risk for tsunamis, which can affect coastal communities and offshore
     infrastructure. To understand the geological and seismological significances,it is important to study primary
     subduction processes and progressive variation of deformation styles and related changes in physical
     properties of sediments along the plate interface. We are studying the nature of deformations by means of
     outcrop- and ocean drilling (IODP)-based studies, and construct geologic hypotheses. Then, we are going to
     demonstrate them by our experimental studies. We are working with many of international collaborators.
     We will welcome you to our lab.

Recent research topics: 

  • Various geologic phenomena (e.g., earthquake, submarine landslide, etc.) in plate convergent margins
  • Deformation and related phys. props variation of sediments between trench to seismogenic zone
  • Any secrets of the Earth
  • Tectonics: especially, Island-arc collision
  • Geo-thermometry for short geologic events using organic matters

Recent Publications: 

  • Yamamoto, Y., Kameda, J., Fukuyama, M., Yamaguchi, H., 2018. Initiation of tectonic melange formation associated with the smectite-illite transition at 2-4 km depth in a subduction zone: Hota accretionary complex, central Japan.Geological Society of America, Special Papers, 534, 115-127, doi: 10.1130/2018.2534.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Hamada, Y., Chiyonobu, S., Kamiya, N., Ojima, T., Saito, S., 2017. Geothermal structure of the Miura-Boso Plate subduction margin, central Japan. Tectonophysics, 710-711, 81-87, 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.11.004
  • Yamamoto, Y., and Kawakami, S., 2014. Along-strike migration of intermittent submarine slope failures at subduction margins: geological evidence from the Chikura Group, central Japan. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research Series 37, 551-560, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-00972-8_49, Springer Science+Business Media.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Lin, W., Oda, H., Byrne, T. B., Yamamoto, Y., 2013. Stress states at the subduction input site, Nankai Subduction Zone, using anelastic strain recovery (ASR) data in the basement basalt and overlying sediments. Tectonophysics, 600, 91-98, 10.1016/j.tecto.2013.01.028.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Tonogai, K., and Anma, R., 2012. Fabric-based criteria to distinguish tectonic from sedimentary melanges in the Shimanto accretionary complex, Yakushima Island, SW Japan. Tectonophysics, 568-569, 65-73, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2011.10.018.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Nidaira, M., Ohta, Y. and Ogawa, Y., 2009. Formation of chaotic rock-units during primary accretion processes: examples from the Miura?Boso accretionary complex, Central Japan. Island Arc, 18, 496-512.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Ogawa, Y., Uchino, T., Muraoka, S., and Chiba, T., 2007. Large-scale chaotically mixed sedimentary body within the Late Pliocene to Pleistocene Chikura Group, Central Japan, Island Arc, 16, 505-507.
  • Yamamoto, Y., 2006. Systematic variation of shear-induced physical properties and fabrics in the Miura-Boso accretionary prism: The earliest processes during off scraping. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 244, 270-284.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Kawakami, S., 2005. Rapid tectonics of the late Miocene Boso accretionary prism related to the Izu-Bonin arc collision.The Island Arc, 14, 178-198.
  • Yamamoto, Y., Mukoyoshi, H. and Ogawa, Y., 2005. Structural characteristics of shallowly buried accretionary prism: Rapidly uplifted Neogene accreted sediments on the Miura-Boso Peninsula, central Japan,Tectonics, 24, TC5008, doi:10.1029/2005TC001823.

Partial List of Professional Service: 

  • Member, The Geological Society of Japan
  • Member, American Geophysical Union

                                          UPDATE: 12/05/2020


Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University

1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 657-8501

TEL: (+81)-78-803-6483
FAX :(+81)-78-803-5791