
神戸大学 理学研究科 惑星学専攻・惑星学科 Home Page



 Associate Professor
 Graduate School of Science
 Faculty of Science

  • e-mail: yk2000(at) kobe-u.ac.jp
  • Office: The Graduate School of Science and Technology Bldg 3, room 520
  • Mailing address: Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan

Research Interests:

 Why does the fault exist in the crust ? Why is rock deformed rheologically by stress ? Why do the deformation-fracturing phenomenon have a variety of kinds of duality (e.g . Hodge duality) and symmetry properties (e.g., Fractal) ? I study the deformation-fracture theory of the crust including a fault defect field to clear the origin of the duality and symmetry in deformation-fracturing processes

Recent Publications: 

  • K. Yamasaki and T. Yajima, 2020, "KCC analysis of a one-dimensional system during catastrophic shifts of the Hill function: Douglas tensor in the non-equilibrium region", Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos (accepted in press).
  • K. Yamasaki and T. Hasebe, 2020, "Duality of the Incompatibility Tensor", Materials transactions (accepted in press).
  • T. Yajima, S.Oiwa, K.Yamasaki, 2019, "Geometry of curves with fractional-order tangent vector and Frenet-Serret formulas", Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 21, 1493-1505.
  • K. Yamasaki and T. Yajima, 2017, ”KCC analysis of the nornal form of typical bifurcations in one-dimensional dynamical system: geometrical invariants of saddle-node, transcritical, and pitchfork bifurcations”, Int. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 27, 1750145 (14 pages).
  • K. Yamasaki and T. Yajima, 2016, “Differential geometric structure of non-equilibrium dynamics in competition and predation: Finsler geometry and KCC theory”, J. Dynamical Systems & Geometric Theor., 14, 137-153.
  • N. Nakamura and K. Yamasaki, 2016, “Feynman’s Proof and Non-Elastic Displacement Fields: Relationship Between Magnetic Field and Defects Field”, Int. J. Theoretical Physics, 12, 5186-5192.
  • T. Yajima and K. Yamasaki, 2016,“Jacobi stability for dynamical systems of two-dimensional second-order differential equations and application to overhead crane system”, Int. J. Geometrical Methods in Modern Phys., 13, 1650045.

Academic Associations: 

                                           UPDATE: 12/05/2020


Department of Planetology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University

1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 657-8501

TEL: (+81)-78-803-6483
FAX :(+81)-78-803-5791