Ishizu, K., Ogawa, Y., Tseng, K. H., Kunitomo, T., Kitaoka, N., Caldwell, G., Minami, T., Serita, S., Ichihara, H., Bertrand, E. A., & Heise, W. (2024). Controlled-source electromagnetic survey in a volcanic area: relationship between stacking time and signal-to-noise ratio and comparison with magnetotelluric data. Geophysical Journal International, ggae431.
Minami, T. (2024). Properties of tsunami-generated electromagnetic variation observed on islands. Philosophical Transactions A, 382(2286), 20240084.
Baba, T., Lin, Z., Minami, T., & Toh, H. (2024). Harnessing electromagnetic data for tsunami source estimation: a comprehensive review. Philosophical Transactions A, 382(2286), 20240082.
Suzuki, T., Yoshimura, R., Yamazaki, K. I., Minami, T., Sawayama, K., & Oshiman, N. (2023). Dependence of resistivity of natural rock samples on humidity. Journal of Applied Geophysics,105271,
Yokoi, H., Baba, T., Lin, Z., Minami, T., Kamiya, M., Naitoh, A., & Toh, H. (2023). Simultaneous Inversion of Ocean Bottom Pressure and Electromagnetic Tsunami Records for the 2009 Samoa Earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2023JB026956,
南拓人.電磁場変動観測を用いた津波波源推定と津波予測に向けて,月刊地球 2022年9月号,2022
Schnepf, N. R., Minami, T., Toh, H., and Nair, M. C. Magnetic Signatures of the January 15 2022 Hunga Tonga?Hunga Ha‘apai Volcanic Eruption.Geophysical Research Letters,e2022GL098454, 2022.
Lin, Z., Toh, H., & Minami, T. Direct Comparison of the Tsunami‐Generated Magnetic Field With Sea Level Change for the 2009 Samoa and 2010 Chile Tsunamis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(11), e2021JB022760,, 2021.
Alken, P., Thebault, E., Beggan, C. D., Amit, H., Aubert, J., Baerenzung, J., Bondar, T. N., Brown, W. J., Califf, S., Chambodut, A., Chulliat, A., Cox, G. A., Finlay, C. C., Fournier, A., Gillet, N., Grayver, A., Hammer, M. D., Holschneider, M., Huder, L., Hulot, G., Jager, T., Kloss, C., Korte, M., Kuang, W., Kuvshinov,
A., Langlais, B., Leger, J.-M., Lesur, V., Livermore, P. W., Lowes, F. J., Macmillan, S., Magnes, W., Mandea, M., Marsal, S., Matzka, J., Metman, M. C., Minami, T., Morschhauser, A., Mound, J. E., Nair, M., Nakano, S., Olsen, N., Pavon-Carrasco, F. J., Petrov, V. G., Ropp, G., Rother, M., Sabaka, T. J., Sanchez, S., Saturnino, D., Schnepf, N. R., Shen, X., Stolle, C., Tangborn,
A., Toffner-Clausen, L., Toh, H., Torta, J. M., Varner, J., Vervelidou, F., Vigneron, P., Wardinski, I., Wicht, J., Woods, A., Yang, Y., Zeren, Z., and Zhou, B. International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the thirteenth generation. Earth, Planets and Space, 73, 49, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01288-x, 2021.
Minami, T., Schnepf, N. and Toh, H. Tsunami-generated magnetic fields have primary and secondary arrivals like seismic waves. Scientific Reports, 11, 2287, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-81820-5, 2021.
Minami, T., Nakano, S., Lesur, V., Takahashi, F., Matsushima, M., Shimizu, H., Nakashima, R., Taniguchi, H. and Toh, H. A candidate secular variation model for IGRF-13 based on MHD dynamo simulation and 4DEnVar data assimilation. Earth, Planets and Space, 72, 136, doi:10.1186/s40623-020-01253-8, 2020.
Minami, T., Utsugi, M., Utada, H., Kagiyama, T. and Inoue, H. Temporal variation in the resistivity structure of the first Nakadake crater, Aso volcano, Japan, during the magmatic eruptions from November 2014 to May 2015, as inferred by the ACTIVE electromagnetic monitoring system. Earth, Planets and Space, 70(1), 138, doi:10.1186/s40623-018-0909-2, 2018. (EPS Highlighted Papers 2018)
Minami, T., Toh, H., Ichihara, H. and Kawashima I. Three-Dimensional Time Domain Simulation of Tsunami-Generated Electromagnetic Fields: Application to the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(12), 9559-9579, doi:10.1002/2017JB014839, 2017. (JGR Solid Earth Editor's Highlight)
Minami, T. Motional induction by tsunamis and ocean tides: 10 years of progress. Surveys in Geophysics, 38(5), 1097-1132, doi:10.1007/s10712-017-9417-3,2017.
Tyler, R. H., Boyer, T. P., Minami, T., Zweng, M. M. and Reagan, J. R. Electrical conductivity of the global ocean. Earth, Planets and Space, 69(1), 156, doi:10.1186/s40623-017-0739-7, 2017.
Minami, T., Toh, H. and Tyler, R. H. Properties of electromagnetic fields generated by tsunami first arrivals: Classification based on the ocean depth, Geophysical Research Letters, 2015GL063055, doi:10.1002/2015GL063055, 2015.
Minami, T. and Toh, H. Two-dimensional simulations of the tsunami dynamo effect using the finite element method, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 4560-4564, doi:10.1002/grl.50823, 2013.
Minami, T. and Toh, H. An improved forward modeling method for two-dimensional electromagnetic induction problems with bathymetry, Earth Planets Space,Vol. 64, e9-e12, doi:10.5047/eps.2012.04.012, 2012.
Toh, H. and Minami, T. Electromagnetic View of the Seismogenic Zones Beneath Island Arcs, in Earthquake Research and Analysis - Seismology, Seismotectonic and Earthquake Geology, Chapter 9, 183-198, 2012.