Nobuaki Suenaga, Shoichi Yoshioka, Takumi Matsumoto and Yingfeng Ji, Two-dimensional thermal modeling associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in southern Kyushu, Japan. Tectonophysics, 723, 288-296 (2018).
Yingfeng Ji, Shoichi Yoshioka, Vlad C. Manea and Marina Manea, Seismogenesis of dual subduction beneath Kanto, central Japan controlled by fluid release. Scientific Reports, 7, 16864, 1-8 (2017).
Robert W. Porritt and Shoichi Yoshioka, Evidence of dynamic crustal deformation in Tohoku, Japan, from time-varying receiver functions. Tectonics, 36, 10, 1934-1946 (2017).
Yingfeng Ji, Shoichi Yoshioka and Yuval A. Banay, Thermal state, slab Metamorphism, and interface seismicity in the Cascadia subduction zone based on 3-D modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 18, 9242-9252 (2017).
Ryoko Nakata, Hideitsu Hino, Tatsu Kuwatani, Shoichi Yoshioka, Masato Okada and Takene Hori, Discontinuous boundaries of slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan. Scientific Reports, 7, 6129, 1-7 (2017).
Yingfeng Ji and Shoichi Yoshioka, Slab dehydration and earthquake distribution beneath southwestern and central Japan based on three-dimensional thermal modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6, 2679-2686 (2017).
Yingfeng Ji, Shoichi Yoshioka, Vlad Constantin Manea, Marina Manea and Takumi Matsumoto, Three-dimensional numerical modeling of thermal regime and slab dehydration beneath Kanto and Tohoku, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121 (2016).
Nobuaki Suenaga, Shoichi Yoshioka and Takumi Matsumoto, Relationships among temperature, dehydration of the subducting Philippine Sea plate, and the occurrence of a megathrust earthquake,low-frequency earthquakes, and a slow slip event in the Tokai district,central Japan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 260, 44-52 (2016).
Yingfeng Ji, Shoichi Yoshioka, and Takumi Matsumoto, Three-dimensional numerical modeling of temperature and mantle flow fields associated with subduction of the Philippine Sea plate, southwest Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, 458-4482 (2016).
Robert W. Porritt and Shoichi Yoshioka, Slab pileup in the mantle transition zone and the 30 May 2015 Chichi-jima earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 4905-4912 (2016).
Yoshioka, S., Y. Matsuoka and S. Ide, Spatiotemporal slip distributions of three long-term slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan, inferred from inversion analyses of GPS data. Geophysical Journal International, 201, 1437-1455 (2015).
Yoshioka, S., R. Takagi and T. Matsumoto, Relationship between temperatures and fault slips on the upper surface of the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath the Kanto district, central Japan. Geophysical Journal International, 201, 878-890 (2015).
Yoshioka, A., Y. Torii and M.R. Riedel, Impact of phase change kinetics on the Mariana slab within the framework of 2-D mantle convection. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 240, 70-81 (2015).
Ji, Y. and S. Yoshioka, Effects of slab geometry and obliquity on the interplate thermal regime associated with the subduction of three-dimensionally curved oceanic plates. Geoscience Frontiers, 6, 61-78 (2015).
Yabe, S., S. Ide and S. Yoshioka, Along-strike variations in temperature and tectonic tremor activity along the Hikurangi subduction zone New Zealand. Earth Planets and Space, 66:142 (2014).
Kaneshima, S. and S. Yoshioka, Dominant role of temperature on deep earthquake mechanics for the Tonga slab near the bottom of the upper mantle. Earth Planets and Space, 66:138 (2014).
Yoshioka, S., Y. Suminokura, T. Matsumoto and J. Nakajima, Two-dimensional thermal modeling of subduction of the Philippine Sea plate beneath southwest Japan. Tectonophysics, 608, 1094-1108 (2013).
Nakajima, J., S. Hada, E. Hayami, N. Uchida, A. Hasegawa, S. Yoshioka, T. Mtsuzawa and N. Umino, Seismic attenuation beneath northeastern Japan: Constraints on mantle dynamics and arc magmatism. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1-18 (2013).
Yoshioka, S. and Y. Matsuoka, Interplate coupling along the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan, inferred from inversion analyses of GPS data: Effects of subducting plate geometry and spacing of hypothetical ocean-bottom GPS stations. Tectonophysics, 600, 165-174 (2013).
Fujita, E., T. Kozono, H. Ueda, Y. Kohno, S. Yoshioka, N. Toda, A. Kikuchi and Y. Ida, Stress field change around the Mount Fuji volcano magma system caused by the Tohoku megathrust earthquake, Japan. Bull Volcanol, 75, 1-14 (2013).